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Monday, January 12, 2009

I love my job and my dogs

Happy Monday!! Thank goodness it's almost over. Work was long today. I love my job though. I get to meet all kinds of mothers that I wouldn't meet otherwise. Mothers with normal behaving child, mother's with autistic children, mother's with Downs children and mother's who just aren't sure wasn't going on with their child. All of these mother's have one thing in common. They all love there children just the way they are!! I have a new found love for mother's of special needs children. They have so much patients and seem to really have things together. Yes, just like the rest of us, they have their moments but I believe God does not give us what we can't handle and he delivers special needs children to very special mothers. My job is so rewarding. Had I finished college I would have been a special ed teacher and this job allows me to still be with the children I care for so much!

Well I have to say I have to best friends in the world!! My very very good friend Paige has invited me to go with her and her husband to the x games in Aspen, Co. All expense paid!! They own a pharmaceutical company and will be sponsoring the x games. We will be working a tent in the ESPN tent selling the sunscreen their company produces.

We will be working from 7 am to 7 pm. Get to meet and be around all the athletes, be in Aspen with one of my very good friends, of course I said I would go with out hesitating right?? Wrong. I mean I'm going but not without hesitating. There were several reasons for my hesitating but the main reason was...

Sampson and Beckham

I didn't not want to be away from them for a week. Yes I will miss Mark and Courtney but my dogs, they will not understand where I am and why I haven't been home. What is wrong with me? An opportunity of a lifetime and I almost turned it down because of my dogs, HELLO!! I know that Courtney will take very good care of them and she loves them not quit as much as me but she does love them. She did say however, that she will not kiss them as much as I do, lol!!
None the less I AM going to Aspen and I am soooo excited!! Thank you Paige for inviting me on this exciting adventure!!

Ok I have to go now the Bachelor is on

I LOVE reality T.V. I think the whole premise behind the Bachelor is somewhat shallow but I sure do love watching the show. lol... wait does that make me shallow?? oh well... I think he will end up with Deanna but we shall see!!


Saturday, January 10, 2009

New Years Resolutions

Well 2009 has started off very wet. It seems like it has rained more in the first 10 days of the year than it did all last year. It is raining now and it has all day. I am sick of rain.

I have made several new year's resolutions this year. My first on is to be a better finance to Mark. He is so sweet to me and is always doing things to show me how much he loves me. I don't think I do enough for him so I'm going to do a better job at that from now on.

Second I and going to get in better shape and lose 30 lbs. Since Michael, my son, went off to college in September, i have gained 25 lbs. UGG!! I think it's a combination of things but mainly from being depressed about him being gone. Yesterday I started the Special K diet and I am walking everyday for 30 mins. I will let you know how that goes. Third one is I am going to try to blog more. i love reading everyone's blog. Forth one is to keep my house clean. I HATE to clean but I sure do love coming home to a clean house and I can't afford a house keeper so... My fifth and last one is to do something nice for someone everyday. I LOVE doing things for other people and towards the end of last year I found myself doing it less and less. I felt like since money was tight, it's was too hard to do but this year I am going to find ways to do something for someone else without costing anything.

Today has been a long day, rain, cleaning, dieting and watching football. My Titans lost : ( but Arizona won : )) yay!! Oh and one more thing. Did you know that you CAN wash an electric blanket. I was really nervous about it but I washed it on the delicate cycle and hung it up to dry and it's on my bed right now and it works, yay!!! Have a great night, more later! Goodnight!
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